Report Cards will be available Wednesday, October 16th.

Attendance Matters!

Reminder: Tomorrow, October 14, is a flexible learning day for pre-registered students only. All students return to their regular schedules on Tuesday, October 15. We look forward to seeing everyone back in class!

Schools will be closed for Fall Break from October 7-11. Have a great break! Remember, only pre-registered students attend Fall Intersession on October 8, 9, and 10, as well as the flexible learning day on October 14.

Schools will be closed Friday, September 20, for Race Day! Have a great weekend!

Interested in having your child attend Fall Intersession on October 8, 9, and 10 or Flexible Learning Day on October 14?
Fall Intersession Registration: https://forms.microsoft.com/r/qYHdNRR64K
Flexible Learning Day Registration: https://forms.office.com/r/aFAM6n57E1
Deadline to register for both is October 2. Only those registered by October 2 may attend.

Reminders for the week:
Tuesday, 9/17: Picture Day
Thursday, 9/19: Dress up Day/Favorite Decades
Thursday, 9/19: Family Book Fair Night @6pm
Friday, 9/20: Fall Race Day/No School