Morning LEAPS Parent Manual

 Bristol TN City Schools

LEAPS Program Logo 


LEAPs (Lottery for Education Afterschool Program) 

Morning Program Parent Manual 

The overall goal of Lottery for Education: Afterschool Programs (LEAPs) is to provide Tennessee students with academic enrichment opportunities that reinforce and complement the regular academic program. 


*Morning programming is provided by Bristol TN City Schools, and after-school programming is provided by Coalition for Kids, Inc. After-school programming requires registration with Coalition for Kids, Inc. Please reach out to your child’s school if you are interested in attending the after-school program. This registration packet is for morning programming only. 


Program Mission Statement:  

The program is a choice program which strives to provide a safe, educationally enriching, fun and rewarding experience for students during the hours where there may be no adult supervision in the homeChildren will have the opportunity to engage in activities that will benefit them emotionally, physically, and educationally.  The morning program includes opportunities for homework/academic support as well as physical activity. The program is conducted by staff trained to meet the needs of children and to provide positive adult role models. 

Grievance Policy Statement (Bristol TN City Schools): 

Parent input concerning the program is importantFeel free to share these comments with the Program DirectorAll questions concerning policies and procedures of the program should be addressed to the Director of Learning Acceleration and Data Analysis, Kelli Campbell, at (423)652-9451. 

Nondiscrimination Policy: 

Nondiscrimination Notice:  It is the policy of the district’s Board of Education not to discriminate on the basis of sex, race, national origin, creed, age, marital status or disability in its educational programs, activities, or employment policies as required by Title VI and Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Acts, Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments and Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973. 

Program Hours of Operation 

Elementary School Hours 

Monday - Friday 

6:507:50 a.m. (Afterschool program conducted by Coalition for Kids, Inc.) 


Drop Off and Pick Up of Children: 

Please check with you Program Coordinator for the specific location. When dropping off a child, please escort them inside the building and sign them in.  All children must be personally checked in or out from the program by means of a sign-out sheet. They should not be dropped off before the program beginsParents must escort all children into the building and sign them in personally. Children will not be released to commercial transportation personnel (i.e. taxi drivers), nor will they be released to anyone whose behavior may place the child(ren) in immediate risk.  

Children will not be released to any person other than the parent or other persons authorized to call for the child as indicated on the registration formIdentification will be required for pick upNotify the Program Coordinator in writing if a person other than those authorized will be picking up a child. 

Attendance Policy: 

Attendance is crucial for your child to succeed in our programIt has been found that intensity and duration are necessary for students to have improvements in report card grades, behavior, and state assessment scoresYour will need to attend a minimum of three days each week to continue participating in programming due to grant requirements. If your child is absent more than 10 unexcused days, your family could be removed from the program. If you need to pick-up your child early from the program for an emergency/appointment, please call the LEAPS phone number, and staff will bring your child to you.  

Parent Involvement Notice: 

 Families are a part of the program. Family nights, newsletters about program activities, bulletin boards with announcements, and individual feedback to parents on each child’s participation in the program will help in creating the best experiences for the children in the programParent suggestions on enrichment offerings are always appreciatedThe Program Coordinator will keep parents informed about special events in the program through postings and newsletters.   

It would be helpful to keep our program informed of any changes which may occur in a child’s environment such as illness in the family, a change in living location or any other stressful situation that may be important to the child.  The staff will be able to better meet the needs of the child if they are aware of these situations. 

Sick Child Policy: 

The program will not provide for sick childrenPlease do not send a child to the program if they are illPolicy requires that a child be picked up as soon as possible in the event of illness while in the programUpon notification of illness, pick-up is required within the hour. The Department of Human Services may be contacted if a child continues to be dropped off with an illness or symptoms of an illness without medical attention (including lice)The policy on lice for our district also applies to the programIf a child has been found to have bugs or nits, they will have to be picked up from the programStudents will not be allowed to return to the program until the Program Coordinator has proof the child has been treated and the hair is totally clear of all nits. 

Medication Policy: 

If a child has to be given daily medication (such as seizure medicine,etc.), a medication form must be on file with the Program DirectorThis form must have clearly stated instructions such as the name of the medication, dosage, and time of day to be administered.  The instructions should include the physician’s signatureThe medication must be given to the Program Coordinator in a prescription bottleAntibiotics and over the counter medications such as cough syrup, aspirin, and cold medicines cannot be administered in the program. 

Broken/Lost/Stolen Items Policy: 

The program strongly discourages children from bringing toys/personal items from homeThe program will not be responsible for broken, lost or stolen items (including toys, clothing, backpacks, books, food items, eyewear, money, electronic items, cell phones, jewelry, and any other personal item brought into the building). 

Withdrawal Policy: 

The program reserves the right to withdraw a child for any of the following reasons: 

  • Repeated failure of parents to pick the child up from the program on time. 

  • Failure to provide the Program Coordinator with current emergency/medical information as stipulated by state licensing. 

  • Continuous disciplinary problems. 

  • Inappropriate conduct of parent or guardian. 

If a child is dismissed from the program; he/she is not eligible for re-enrollment for the duration of the school year. 

Discipline Policy: 

Children enrolled in the program are expected to exhibit behavior which does not disrupt or interfere with the school climate or the learning process and social interaction of other childrenThe program staff will enforce school rules throughout the program hoursParents will be notified in writing when a major discipline problem occurs. After three (3) write-ups a child will be dismissed from the program. An exception to the above is when a major incident (deemed by the Program Coordinator) occursThis will result in immediate suspensionThe Zero Tolerance Policy for the school district applies for the program. 

Parents are asked to cooperate with the school staff in stressing the importance of good behavior patterns for all children.  It is imperative that parents work with the Program Coordinator to correct any behavior that is interfering with the child’s success in the program.  This helps to keep the program fun as well as instructionally sound. 

Parents who demonstrate abusive language and/or inappropriate scenes or disturbances to children, staff, or other adults during the program hours will be asked to withdraw their children from the programHarassment or bullying will not be tolerated. 

Rules of Conduct for Students: 

The following behaviors are considered inappropriate and unacceptable in the programThese behaviors may result in immediate suspension: 

  1. Possession of weapons, contraband, and other dangerous objects (Zero Tolerance Policy Applies) 

  1. Fighting, wrestling, spitting (with or on peers or staff) 

  1. Destruction of center/school property 

  1. Destruction of personal property of another person 

  1. Vulgar Language, Cursing 

  1. Improper display of private body parts 

  1. Disrespectful behavior to other children or staff 

  1. Climbing on desks, tables, cabinets, etc. 

  1. Playing in the bathrooms (crawling under stalls, climbing on sinks, splashing water, turning on/off lights etc.) 

  1. Throwing balls, or other outside equipment while inside the building 

  1. Stealing 

  1. Physical attacks on staff or other students (Zero Tolerance Policy Applies) 

  1. Tackle football 

  1. Improper use of program and school equipment 

  1. Throwing objects (rocks, sticks, desks, tables, etc.) 

  1. Leaving group without permission (i.e. running away, hiding, etc.) 

  1. Behavior deemed inappropriate and unacceptable by the Program Coordinator or Program Supervisor).


TN Department of Education Logo 


Standards for School-administered Child Care, Chapter 0520-12-01 



Program Organization and Administration, 0520-12-01-.05 

  • A Child Care Center must have an adequate budgetGeneral liability, automobile liability, and medical payment insurances must be maintained on all properties and vehicles owned or operated by the program.   

  • Children’s files must include a complete application, an official immunization record (exceptions do apply), and health history. 

  • On-going parent communication is expectedPrograms must provide a parent handbook with the policies, procedures, and the TDOE requirements, chapter 0520-12-01It is expected that parents sign for receipt of the policies and requirements, and this would be kept in the child’s fileAll parents shall be given a pre-placement visit opportunity.   

  • Parents must have access to all areas of the center when their child is present.   

  • The parents must receive an educational program regarding child abuse detection, reporting and prevention. 

  • A written plan must be in place for the release of each child, this should include individuals who are allowed to pick up the child at the end of the day or any given time by the parent.   

  • Children must be signed out of the program by the custodial parentStaff may require to see a person’s identification when releasing a child from the program. 

  • Injuries and incidences will be reported to the parent as soon as possible or at the end of the school dayThis shall be documented in the child’s file. 

  • Staff records must be kept on each employee that includes educational background, reference checks, TBI check, in-service training, physical exams and performance reviews.  

  • If the center provides transportation, the driver should be appropriately licensed, have a drug screening on file, and certificate of CPR/First Aid, there must be liability insurance and the children must have adequate space and supervisionTransportation provided by the center or under center authorization shall comply with state law. 

  • Programs must have the current Certificate of Approval posted where parents and visitors can easily see it, along with the Department of Human Services childcare complaint number and the Department of Children’s Services Child Abuse Hotline number.   

  • No smoking must also be posted in a conspicuous manner.   

  • A copy of the state board rules (chapter 0520-12-01) must be maintained in a central space and available to all staff and parents.   




Program Operation (Supervision), 0520-12-01-.06 

  • Careful supervision of each group is expected at all times and suited appropriately for each age grouping.   

  • Adult: child ratios and group sizes must be followed. 



Single-age grouping chart: 





Infant (6wks-12 m)



Toddler (11m-23m)



Two (2) years old



Three (3) years old



Four (4) years old



VPK, 619, PDG




Multi-age grouping chart: 





Infant – 18 months



18 – 36 months



3 – 4 years old only



3 – 6 years old*



*Not including first grade children 

  • Group sizes must be maintained in the classroom, but classes may combine while outdoors, in common dining areas, or common napping areas.   

  • Each group must have their own spaceInfants cannot be group with children older than 30 months; a separate area must be provided for infants and toddlers.   

  • At naptime, ratios may be relaxed for groups (except for infants and toddlers).   

  • A written playground supervision plan is required. 

  • Field trips requires adult:child ratios to be doubledSwimming has a separate ratio chart and the life guard is not included in the ratio.   


Staff, 0520-12-01-.07 

  • All programs must have a director and enough teachers and staff to meet the required ratios for adequate supervision.   

  • Staff must be physically, mentally and emotionally stable to work with children and have knowledge of early childhood behaviors and development.   

  • Teachers and assistant teachers must be 21 years of age if hired after June 30, 2017Any staff member under the age of 21 must be supervised by an adult, except for before and after school programs.   

  • All new staff must complete 2 hours of orientation before assuming duties and receive annual instruction in early childhood topics that are required in this chapter section.  

  • The program must maintain written documentation that each employee has read the full set of all applicable rules. 

  • A copy of the entire rules must be maintained and readily accessible to all employees.   

  • All staff must have a criminal background check upon hiring and must be cleared before assuming dutiesA new fingerprint sample is required every 5 years for all employees.   

  • A director shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations, shall be physically present in the facility for at least half the hours of operation, be at least 21 years of age, and follow the qualification guidelines listed in this chapter section.   

  • An assistant director may be designated in charge when the director is absent.   


Program, 0520-12-01-.09 

  • Educational activity must be developmentally appropriate for the age and ability of the children enrolled(See TN-ELDS for Birth-48 Months and TN-ELDS for 48 month-Kindergarten)   

  • Any technology used by the children must be reviewed by staff, approved by parents, and shall not exceed 2 hours per day.  

  • Children shall not be left in restraining devices (swings, car seats, high chairs, etc.) for periods longer than 30 minutes. 

  • Children should have opportunities to play together and also alone when they choose to do so.   

  • Personal safety must be taught each year for children ages 3 through school age.   

  • Outdoor play must be provided for all ages who are in care for more than 3 daylight hours, weather permitting (temp ranges 32-95 degrees).   

  • Behavior management and discipline must be reasonable and age appropriateSpanking or other corporal punishment is not allowed.  Timeout must be based on the age of the child and take place in an appropriate location.   

  • Children shall not be in care for longer than 12 hours in a day.   

  • Routines such as snack, meals, and res shall occur at approximately the same time each day.   


Health and Safety, 0520-12-01-.10 

  • A first aid kit must be on the premises and a comprehensive first aid chart or list must be available.   

  • There must a staff member present at all times who has a current certification in CPR and first aid training.   

  • A written plan to protect children during disasters is requiredDrills must be practiced and documented each monthAt least one drill must be practiced during extended care hours.   

  • Smoking and the consumption of alcohol are not allowed on the premises of a child care program.   

  • Firearms are not allowed on the premises or in a vehicle used to transport children.   

  • Kitchen knives or other potentially hazardous tools must be kept inaccessible to children.   

  • Staff’s personal belongings must be kept inaccessible to children. 

  • Emergency contact numbers must be listed and posted near all telephones.   

  • Conduct regular morning health checks of each child and notify parents immediately when a child is sick or injured. 

  • Medication may not be given to any child without the written consent of the parent/guardian.   

  • Safe sleep practices for infants must be followed:   

  • Infants places on their back to sleep, in a crib or pack ‘n play with only the sheetSoft bedding for infants is not allowed.  

  • No swaddling or wrapping in a blanket. 

  • Infants must be touched by a teacher every 15 minutes to check breathing and body temperature. 

  • Infant room teachers must have SIDS and safe sleep training before reporting for duty.   

  • Hand washing and diapering procedures must be followed to minimize the spread of germs in the classrooms.   

  • Developmentally appropriate equipment that is in good repair and easily cleaned is requiredAll manufacturer’s safety instructions must be followed. 

  • Electrical cords and outlets should be inaccessible to the children.   

  • Children must have a place to store their belongings that minimizes the spread of germs.   

  • Each child must have their own napping equipment (2” thick mat or cot; sheet or cover for the mat; and a coverlet for their body)  

  • All staff must report reasonable suspicions of child abuse to DCS hotline number or local law enforcementAnnual training for this is required.   


Food, 0520-12-01-.11 

  • Children will receive meals based on the amount of hours spent in the program.   

  • Food should not be forced or withheld from children.   

  • Infants must be held while bottle feeding and bottles may not be heated in the microwave.  

  • Special diets and instructions must be provided in writing.    

  • A menu must be posted each weekChanges to the meal must be documented before the meal occurs.   

  • Teachers and children must wash hand when handling and eating food.   

  • All eating surfaces must be washed with soapy water and sanitized before eating and after eating.   

  • Children must be seated at appropriately sized tables and adults must closely supervise them while eating.   

  • Milk must be placed in the refrigerator immediately after it is servedAll formulas remaining in bottles after feeding must be discarded. 

  • Highchair manufacturer’s restraints must be used. 

  • Food must be properly handled and stored to protect from it contamination. 

  • Milk and perishable food must not sit on the table longer than 15 minutes before being served.   


Physical Facilities, 0520-12-01-.12 

  • All facilities must pass an annual fire inspection and health inspection.   

  • A working telephone is required.   

  • A minimum of 30 square feet of usable indoor play space for each child is required.   

  • The area must be clean and safe for the children to use.  

  • A minimum of 50 square feet per child is required outdoors.   

  • The outdoor area must be fenced. 

  • Outdoor play equipment must be age appropriate for the group of children. 

  • Outdoor equipment must be placed to avoid injury and have a proper amount of resilient surfacing material to cushion a fall.   

  • The outdoor playground must be properly maintained with a written playground maintenance planA pre-play inspection is required before children play outdoors.   

  • Drinking water shall be provided in all occupied rooms. 

  • Adequate temperature must be maintained in all classrooms.   

  • Classroom pets must be kept in a clean cage and kept away from food storage or food preparation areas.   


Transportation, 0520-12-01-.13 

  • All transportation laws must be followed at all times and are defined in State board of education Pupil Transportation Rule 0520-01-05-.01 (2).   

  • Liability insurance coverage is required on all vehicles. 

  • 15 passenger vans are strictly prohibited.   

  • Proper child passenger restraints are to be used when transporting children in passenger vehicles.   

  • All school bus drivers must be properly licensed, have received a background check through the department, complete an annual physical and mental exam, complete annual school bus driving training, and complete CPR certification.   

  • Adult monitors in addition to the driver may be needed to properly supervise children while in route.    

  • Passenger logs must be kept and inspection of vehicles at the end of the route is required to insure no child is left inside. 



Care of Children with Special Needs, 0520-12-01-.14 

  • When children with special needs are enrolled, all reasonable and appropriate efforts shall be made to provide those children equal opportunity to participate in the same program activities as their peers. 

  • Adaptations to the environment shall be directed toward normalizing the lifestyle of the child with a disability by helping him/her become independent and develop self-help skills. 

  • The program shall inform parents of any specialized services available from the program, and if the program is aware of any specialized services available through third parties, shall additionally inform the parent of such services. 

  • Governing agency shall develop policies and procedures, in accordance with 0520-01-09-.23, governing personnel authorized to use isolation and restraint, training requirements and incident reporting procedures. 


School-Age Before and after School Programs 0520-12-01-.15 

  • All staff shall be 18 years of age. 

  • Professional development training hours are required: 18 hours for directors and 12 hours for staff.